Google is scuttling Reader? NOOOOOOOOO!

Google Reader is no more
So devestational, peeps. Google have declared as of 1 July, Google Reader is no more. To this I cry to the heavens, why? O why have you forsaken me, Google? Don’t you know I love me some Google Reader? I check thee every day, and twice on Sundays. But alas, my pleas go unheeded and so I have to find a new blog reader.

BloglinesI’ve tried several. Bloglines was great but it had this annoying habit of taking up half the screen with a grey banner at the bottom and all their affiliates listed top to bottom instead of across the screen. As I like to scan my blogs as I’m doing other things, this was molto annoying.

Tried The Old Reader next. The Old readerI’m 35,001 in the queue for having my blog roll uploaded. Yeah. I reckon people, they have jumped on that thing called a ‘band wagon’.

feedlyNext up, feedly. I think it’s love. I’m still getting used to the layout and the functions, but feedly takes your Google Reader account and loads it into their system. What’s even better is once Reader is shut down, it will continue to work, saving the hassle of transferring over the blog roll to another reader.

Huzzah! I think we have a winner!

Farewell, Google Reader. I will miss you.